
Essential HVAC Tips to Consider

Whether a homeowner or a business owner, good air conditioning is essential to keeping your property comfortable during warm weather. While most people are familiar with the basics of their HVAC systems, many other steps can be taken to ensure your system runs efficiently and effectively all year. Here are some essential tips when taking care of your HVAC system.

Change the Filters Regularly 

One of the simplest things you can do to keep your system running smoothly is to change the filters regularly. Depending on how often you use your system, you should change out the filters at least every three months or more often if needed. Not only will this help keep your air clean and free from allergens, but it will also improve airflow and help reduce energy consumption and wear and tear on the unit. 

Schedule Annual Maintenance 

Having an annual maintenance checkup is also … read full article

Is Air Pollution Causing Mental Health Conditions?

poor air quality causes mental health problemsThe air pollution is plentiful in the world today. It is caused by a variety of issues and it can be dangerous for all of us. When figuring out if poor air quality is causing mentalĀ  health issues, it’s a good idea to read through this article for further information. You may find some of the information to be upsetting but it is helpful none-the-less.

Poor Air Quality Causing Mental Health Conditions

With a study that used 151 million people from the United States and 1.4 from Denmark, there are ample reasons to worry. Poor air quality is linked to depression, bipolar, Schizophrenia, and more. By looking into the information further, the study produced results that after ethnicity, air quality was the cause of mental health issues. In an area in the UK, air pollution was found to cause teenage psychotic experiences to add to the mix of worries … read full article

Tips On How to Buy a Furnace

furnace contractor You can offset energy prices by replacing your old heating system with a new and more efficient furnace.

Asides from saving money, newer furnaces are more environmental friendly and they can produce more heat than older models. Gas furnaces are still the most popular types used, and this is how to buy a furnace.

Get Furnace Estimates

Contacting various contractors is a smart move. This is who you get the best deal on a furnace. However, make sure you get estimates in writing.

Size Is Important

The size of the furnace matters, as one that is too small won’t provide you with enough heat during the cold winter months. You also want to avoid buying a furnace that is too big, as it will cycle on and off more often. This means you will waste energy and temperatures may vary, and let’s not forget to mentioned that a larger furnace … read full article